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SOWK 3313/3314 - Social Welfare Policy

Finding United States Materials

The online catalog contains nearly all publications held by the UALR Ottenheimer Library. Print government publications are located on the third floor of the Library. Most print U.S. federal publications can be checked out from the Library.

Examples of government publications:

Mental Health Services for Refugees
Call Number: US Doc HE 20.8102: R25

The Community Assessment Centers Concept
Call Number: US Doc J 32.10: C73/4

Finding Arkansas Materials

The easiest way to find publications from agencies of the State of Arkansas government is to explore the Web page for the desired agency. A list of agencies, along with links, is available through the State of Arkansas website.

If you are interested in seeing publications from the agencies, contact the Arkansas State Library for assistance. They have a nearly complete collection of state agency publications.

Spotlight: GPO Catalog of Government Publications

The GPO Catalog of Government Publications indexes government publications from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents, the publisher of materials from all federal agencies.  This index will include materials not owned by UALR, but our Interlibrary Loan department can usually obtain them from other libraries.

Spotlight: is the portal to the federal government websites and it offers a growing link to state and local government websites.  Its search feature will allow you to select a state or city and name a policy to find websites that address the topic

Example:  Childcare and Oregon

                 Elderly and New York

Spotlight: Congressional Budget Office

The Congressional Budget Office provides objective, nonpartisan, and timely analyses to aid in economic and budgetary decisions on the wide array of programs covered by the federal budget and the information and estimates required for the Congressional budget process.

Spotlight: Government Statistics

There are numerous places to look online for government statistics.  The guide Government Statistics - Recommended Agencies and Websites would be a great place to start.