There is no one periodical index that will supply all the articles necessary for any one paper. Depending on the focus of your paper, it may be necessary to search all the databases offered here, and possibly others, after consultation with Dr. Wiebelhaus-Brahm or me.
Not all the journals in these databases provide full text for all entries so please check the Journals By Title option to see which other database might offer full text, or it the library has the journal in paper or microformat.
Business Source Complete provides full text of business publications which may discuss economic issues in your chosen country.
JSTOR provides access to scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. In addition to the Political Science and History categories, you can narrow your search the journals that specifically focus on some specific areas of the world. These categories are updated several times a year.
America: History & Life with Full Text provides indexing and full text to journal articles on the history of the the Americas, covering prehistory to the present. Nations, using current or colonial names can be searched as can individual people and organizations in the history of the Western hemisphere.
Historical Abstracts with Full Text provides indexing and full text to articles in journals covering world history.