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Guide to Basic Legal Research

Legal reference assistance DOES NOT equal legal advice. Advice can only be obtained from a licensed attorney.

Arkansas Courts

The Administrative Office of the Courts for the State of Arkansas, offers connections to all levels of courts in the state. From those, court calendars, directories, and opinions can be searched.

Locating Arkansas Acts

The Acts of Arkansas can be found in multiple places depending on the time the act was passed and how it was incorporated into the Arkansas Code.

The Acts can be accessed via the state's legislative website at Arkansas Code Search | Laws and Statutes   In this online database, it will be necessary to search by the name of the law or the section of the Arkansas Code you desire to use. 

For more recent Acts, it might be possible to find them on the General Assembly website.  This will only work for laws passed during or after the 76th General Assembly.

Historic volumes of the Acts can be found at the Center for Arkasnas History and Culture.

Arkansas Legal Services Online