In addition to writing down the location and call number, remember to check the "Status" column before you go to the shelf to pull the item. Sometimes books are not on the shelf because they are checked out or recently returned.
If you cannot find a book you are looking for, please ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
If you are searching from off-campus, you can also request that circulating materials be pulled for you and held at the Circulation Desk. Select the Request option and fill in the necessary information. Please allow at least 24 hours for the materials to be pulled. You will receive an email when your items are ready for check out.
The online catalog allows you to quickly and easily search for books, as well as other materials, that the UALR Ottenheimer Library owns.
A few tips for searching:
A few tips for locating materials:
The World Digital Library (WDL) is a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, carried out with the support of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), and in cooperation with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations from around the world. The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from all countries and cultures.
WDL items can be browsed by place, time, topic, type of item, language, and contributing institution. The search feature can be used to search all of the descriptions and the full text of printed books on the site. Each item on the WDL is accompanied by an item-level description that explains its significance and historical context. Additional information about selected items is provided by curator videos. Other features include advanced image-viewing, timelines, interactive maps, and in-depth thematic sections on selected topics (in preparation). Content is chosen for its cultural and historical importance, with due regard to recognition of the achievements of all countries and cultures over a wide range of time periods.
Content descriptions are provided in seven languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Descriptions can be listened to on a text-to-voice conversion option that is available for every item in all seven interface languages. Books, manuscripts, maps, and other primary materials on the site are not translated but presented in their original languages. More than 100 languages are represented on the WDL, including many lesser known and endangered languages.