These wars have multiple names because they were fought in Europe under one name and in the colonies, or between various colonies, using another name. The bold-faced name is the one used most often in North America.
King William’s War, 1689 - 1697
War of the League of Augsburg
Queen Anne’s War, 1701 - 1713
War of Spanish Succession
King George’s War, 1744 - 1748
War of Austrian Succession
French and Indian War, 1754 - 1763
Seven Years War
Pomeranian War, Third Carmatic War, Third Silesian War – all European terminology
* A Philippine guerilla war when Filipinos did not get the freedom they desired at the end of the Spanish American War
* US troops under Gen. Pershing entered Mexico chasing Francisco (Pancho) Villa who was raiding the US border
* War in Europe began in 1939
* Officially terminated in 12/31/46 even though the Japanese surrender was accepted on 8/14/45
* US Congress never declared war
*US Congress never declared war
*US Congress never declared war
* Began as Operation Desert Shield (1990) in Kuwait and became Operation Desert Storm once US troops entered Iraqi territory
Several Indian Wars took place through the 18th and 19th centuries. There are also numerous other smaller military actions throughout the 20th Century and into the 21st.
Names and dates for those can be found in multiple places, but
American Military History is very useful.
vol 1 (US Doc D 114.19: N59/3/vol. 1/2009)
vol 2 (US Doc D 114.19: M 59/3/vol. 2/2010)
Unfortunately, the volumes have poor indexing. The Table of Contents is better.