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HHPS 4378/5378 - Org & Admin Health Ed Programs

Summer 2016 - Dr. Amar Kanekar

Arkansas Stats

The Arkansas Department of Health website has statistics that may be useful for your research, including:

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, provides a variety of county data.

Public Health in Arkansas' Communities Search provides additional county data based on a number of health indicators.

Arkansas Center for Health Improvement may also have data and reports about various initiatives.

If you're interested in schools, you may want to browse the Arkansas Department of Education's Coordinated School Health Web page

If your focus is on alcohol or substance abuse, you may want to browse the Arkansas Department of Human Services' Division of Behavioral Health Services Web page.

You may need to contact the Arkansas agency if you are not finding statistics or information on programs. Please note that each county in Arkansas has its own health department. You may need to contact the local health department for local statistics and information.

Not having any luck? Try the other statistics resources on this page if you are not finding the data you need. Keep in mind that Arkansas statistics may be tricky to find, depending what you are looking for.

Other Health Stats Resources

You may also find statistics by using is the U.S. government's official web portal. 

Try searching your topic plus one of the following words to find websites that include data, tables, or reports with graphs and charts:

  • statistics
  • surveillance
  • data

You may wish to try including the word "Arkansas" in your search for possible state information, as may contain state resources.

Handy-Dandy Tip

Please keep in mind that most statistics you will find are several years old. The reason for this is it takes time to compile and analyze data.