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RHET 1312 PSA (Visual Rhetoric) Glover: Is there evidence to support the message?

In the previous tab, we learned how to conduct lateral reading of the PSA's creator as well as of the message that the PSA is conveying. In this section you can 1) Learn how to use the Library's Quick Search for your PSA's specific message and, 2) Take a guided tour of how to use Quick Search and, 3)  Test what you have learned. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Once you have completed this section you should be able to complete your assignment. 

Test your Skills

Instructions: Please answer the following questions about finding evidence on an organization or company's message using Quick Search.

Where can you find peer reviewed articles?
Library QuickSearch: 0 votes (0%)
Library Catalog: 0 votes (0%)
Wikipedia: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
Can you limit your results to academic journals?
True: 0 votes (0%)
False: 0 votes (0%)
Unsure: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0

Use Quick Search to find peer review sources

Preview:  In this video, I tell you about a library search tool that is very similar to Google because it searches most of the library content with one search.  I also show you how to limit your search and discuss how peer review articles can offer stronger evidence because they have been writen by field experts and reviewed by other field experts.

Explore On Your Own: How to Use the Library Quick Search

Explore-  Use this interactive tool to explore how to examine and evaluate websites. You can hover to get more information or click for more examples.