When searching the UALR Ottenheimer Library online catalog for books on broad topics regarding the US Civil War the Library of Congress (LC) Subject Headings recommends using:
If you have already chosen a more specific topic, try searching that as a Subject and if you do not like the resutls, try the same term(s) as a Keyword search.
Remember that all people being searched as subjects need to be searched last name first.
For more information about searching the online catalog, please visit our
Ottenheimer Library will not have every book or journal you desire, but we are able to obtain many from other libraries. The best means of searching for materials not in the UALR Otteheimer Library is WorldCat, also known as OCLC.
WorldCat provides information on worldwide library holidngs of books, periodicals, theses, dissertations, media and other materials. If you know of an item you need that the UALR Ottenheimer Library does not own, you can search it here to see which other libraries have copies. In many cases, our Interlibrary Loan department can obtain the book or other item for you from another library.