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HHPS 5399/7304 - Intro to Community and Public Health

Fall 2015

Before You Begin

Take a few minutes to read and review the following worksheets BEFORE you begin searching.


To find an article that is a quantitative study, you will need to search one or more of the library's databases.

A good starting point for this and other classes requiring research is MEDLINE CompleteMEDLINE Complete contains articles from health and medical journals.

Before you select Search, under the section marked 'Limit your results,' be sure to do the following:

  • Be sure to select English for Language.
  • If you only need one or two articles, or have waited to the last minute to do your research, be sure to select (check) the box Linked Full Text.

Please note that there are no databases named EBSCOhost. EBSCOhost is the name of a company that provides access to MEDLINE Complete.

PubMed Central

Besides MEDLINE, you can also try searching PubMed Central for articles.

PubMed Central is a freely-accessible database from the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

All articles in PubMed Central should be accessible online.