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HIED 8342 - Governance and Policy Making in Higher Ed

Journal Databases

Locating Journals held by Ottenheimer Library

Sometimes the links for full-text articles do not work in the databases or you may have a citation for an article and just need to know if the library has the journal.  To check out holdings, follow these steps.

1.  Choose the "Journals" tab on the library webpage.

2.  Type in the name of the journal NOT the title of the article.

3.  The list of databases will indicate the years available in full-text.

4.  Pay close attention to the dates.  The journal publisher determines which database has the full-text rights and the number of years.

5.  If the library does not own the journal, you may submit an interlibrary loan request for the article.

* Note about ERIC

The ERIC database is still available as an index to education-related journals and research reports.  ERIC is comprised of two parts:  EJ (journal citations) and ED (documents).  You can limit your search to only journal citations.

Most of the journal citations will not supply the full-text article.  Journals are usually commercially published and require subscriptions.  Please check our journal holdings to locate the full-text.

ED documents may be available through the ERIC official website.