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HIED 8342 - Governance and Policy Making in Higher Ed

Value in Reading Recent Newspapers

While newspapers are not considered a scholarly source, they can be a good resource for up-to-date statistics and comments on current policies or those under consideration.  Because of the wide range of newspapers offered in the different databases, it is possible to compare one state to another, or nations around the world.

They also provide the names of legislators and committees that are addressing issues of interest, supplying names and keywords for use in searching agency websites and other databases.

Possible Newspaper Sources

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is available electronicallyl

1.  The current day's paper is available at Arkansas Online.  In most cases, you will be required to purchase a copy of an article if you do not have a subscription to the paper.

2.  The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is available through the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS).  You will need a CALS library card to access the paper.