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HIED 8342 - Governance and Policy Making in Higher Ed

State of Arkansas Legislation

Arkansas Legislature

The Arkansas House of Representatives provides a List of Committees that indicates the names of all committees, as well as advisory councils, task forces, and commissions. Scroll through this list and look for names of groups that appear to address issues you are interested in. Issues involving higher education are covered by numerous groups.


The Arkansas Senate does not provide a list of committees on its home page, but there is a search box in the upper right. Search keyword terms like "higher education" and "committee" to generate a list of possible links.


Other States' Legislation and Agency Websites

The portal to federal government information also provides links to the home pages of all fifty states and the US terriorites.  The State Government page will allow you to link to the home page of the state or territory, or you can search by subject.  You may need to search each state's webpage for their education department.

It is also possible to find a link for each state's legislative body to search for appropriate committees. The Library of Congress offers a State Legislature Websites page that links by name and via map of the nation and territories.